Saturday, May 16, 2020

Minor Dental Problems and Their Homely Remedies.

Minor Dental Problems and their Homely Remedies….



Post COVID-19 days are going to change every aspect and approach of dentistry onward. To avoid cross contamination from a patient in a dental clinic many of us are now going avoid visiting dental clinics for minor problems. But the suffering may progress and lead into a severe condition that may cost you a lot of money afterwards for their treatments. To avoid such consequences there are some homely remedies can help you to get recovered from the dental problems. There are several conditions in oral health that we consider as minor dental issues. As described below you can find some relief from the suffering you are going through now.  



1)      Bleeding Gums:

Unless severe, bleeding gums are the most common and frequent complaints that we encounter in our day to day practice. Mostly this condition occurs due to poor oral hygiene, wrong techniques of brushing or poor quality brushes, or other oral conditions.

Commonly we coin this condition as Gingivitis/Periodontitis.
It can be treated easily at home if you follow few rules or methods.
The most effective way to control or get rid of bleeding gums is proper maintenance of oral hygiene. 


-      Brush 2 times daily with soft bristle brushes in a gentle vertical motion to avoid hurting your gums.

-     Make a habit of mouth rinse with warm saline water (water with a pinch of salt) 2-3 times daily. Warm saline water rinsing improves your gums condition by increasing the fresh blood circulation in your gums.

-     Use a mouth wash 2 times daily eg. Listerine, Colgate plax

-     Avoid too hot or spicy foods to give your gums a relief from certain irritants.

-     Rinse your mouth properly every time after meals. Retained foods can cause or increase the damage to your gums progressively.   Use flossers to clean the interdental areas. Eg. Younifloss. Stim Flossers

-     As toothpaste Pepsodent G Care Expert protection helps a lot to improve the condition.

- Those who have fixed bridges or prosthesis in mouth or implant prosthesis, they can use water flossers to clean properly and maintain a good oral hygiene (Link below).

In case the situation is not improving even after 2 weeks then take an appointment and visit your dentist.
These solutions are not applicable for patients with Diabetes or Cardiac conditions. You must visit a dentist for a check-up.
In case of any swelling on the gums or discharging pus from the gums you must not wait to visit your nearby dentist.  


 2)      Dental Hyper-sensitivity:

      It’s always a common problem for patients with aged teeth or attrited teeth. Due to loss of enamel the inner layer of tooth, dentine gets exposed. This condition results in a dental pain which is sharp and intense but stays only for a short duration due to any stimulus like cold or hot. It’s not always that total loss of enamel is the only reason behind it. Micro abrasions or cavity can also lead to such difficulties. This is not a severe condition to be worried. Only when the pain is sustained and long enough to tolerate you must visit your dentist for the necessary treatments. Severe gum damage may also lead to dental hypersensitivity like gingival recession. Faulty brushing can lead to a damage on the lateral surface of teeth know as Abrasion can also
cause dental hypersensitivity.


- There is no definite solution to this problem of hypersensitivity. Avoiding extreme temperature foods can give you some relief to recover from this situation.
- Using toothpastes for sensitivity is more or less the best solution to get rid of such problems.
- If you have minor enamel loss or damage then Sensodyne is the best solution to your problem.
- If you have gum problems and abrasions then Vantej, Hiora K is a good choice of paste to get relief.
- There are several other medicated toothpastes specifically designed for dental hypersensitivity which are similarly beneficial for this condition. 

This solutions are not applicable for completely decayed teeth or teeth with deep cavities. You need restorations or treatment to get rid of this situation.

3) Halitosis or Bad breathe:

Bad smell from mouth is one of the most common issues now a days. Cleaning your tongue and brushing twice a day will resolve this problem easily. Use a mouthwash like Listerine
Use proxa brushes or inter dental brushes to clean the proximal areas of teeth. eg. Stim Proxa brush
or, Flossers to clean inter dental areas.

Dr. Arka Bhattacharya,
Consultant Dental Surgeon

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